Monday, November 1, 2010

Dear Snow,

Here’s the thing. You make the trees look really pretty and skiing a lot of fun. I’ll give you that. But, on the down side, you do a ton of things that I really do not approve of. Let me just lay out a few of these things for you.
First of all, for some reason, whenever you come to visit for the first time in Michigan, everyone forgets how to drive in you. This means there is a ton of accidents from people forgetting how slippery you make the roads and sliding through intersections almost inevitable.
Second of all, you somehow find a way to add an extra ten minutes to all of my trips because I am forced to stand in the freezing cold with a flimsy piece of plastic scraping you off my windshield.  I wish there was a way we could make a deal so that you would somehow just miss landing on my windshield and land somewhere else. If this works for you, let me know.
Third of all, you are a huge pain to clean up. Unfortunately, because I am a poor college student and cannot afford a snow blower, I am forced to use an old snow shovel from when I was in elementary school to clean off my driveway. And for some reason, no matter when I am out removing a part of you from my driveway, you just end up where I just got done clearing off no less than 3 minutes later.
Look. It’s not that I do not like you to come and visit, I do. I really do. I just wish you would go away sooner. You definitely out stay your welcome in my book after the month of January. Again, if we could work out some sort of deal this would be awesome.
Thanks for your time and I’m sorry if I offended you.
Jennifer Long 

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