Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Alaska is.

"Alaska is unexplainable. When people describe Alaska to you, you can only imagine the little beauties; the beautiful trees, the amazing flowers, and the mighty mountains. Until you get here, you only have broken pictures in your mind. When you do get here, all the missing elements get put together. Alaska is the most amazing place I’ve ever been, and always has a special place in my heart." -Jennifer Long 2006
      As many of you know from reading my past blog entries, I am truly passionate about a little place called Alaska. Above is a small blurb that I wrote for the Alaska Great Lakes Project (AGLP) website back in 2006. Our assignment was to finish the sentence "Alaska is...". After rereading my entry, I find that my feelings about this place have not really changed at all since that summer. In fact, because of my absence for so many summers, I feel like my feelings have only grown a lot stronger. 
     Since 2006, I have gone through many changes in my life. I graduated high school, survived my first year in college, bought a house, adopted a puppy, moved out of my childhood home, and in through all of this grew closer to my family. I have become a person who is passionate about school and about life. 
    Over the past few weeks I have been thinking greatly about whether it is time for me to go back to Alaska with AGLP. In these last few days, I have made my decision. In the summer of 2010, I am going back to my second home and my first love. I am returning to Alaska. 
 Please feel free to visit our website at and post any questions that you might have about the trip here. 

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